I have a Cat. And herein lies the first untruth. As any experienced person will know: a cat has you , not you the cat. Truth be told , I've had three and this is the forth one. I also have a wife and a son , but lets concentrate on the cat for now.
Any way.....
This cat came to me after my previous cat (jenna) got run over on the highway , close to us.
A friend , who had to find a new home for her kitty , phoned and asked if we will take Mishka(the cat). Had I seen her before I probably would have declined. Mishka is the ugliest cat i've ever seen. Black or brown with yellow spots and big eyes. the best description is to call her by her Afrikaans name "mengelmoes" or hotspotch in English.
So , I have a cat. Friendly and talkative , with the anoying habbit of sticking her cold nose into your ear when you sleep.
I have a cat. - everyone needs a cat. To keep you humble when you call it and you get a flat ignore.
I have a cat.