Saturday, June 18, 2005

The best one of the lot (I Think)
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Another balloon filled with cornstarch.
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

A balloon filled with cornstarch and pierced by a homemade paper dart.
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Friday, June 10, 2005

2 Popcorn kernels in oil with one that pops and sprays oil. The other is bounced to the left. Photographed with Sybrand Cillie's Canon EOS 20D and my 28-105USM Lens and my trigger system. Canon EOS 20D - what a spectacular camera!!!!!!
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Friday, May 27, 2005

A photo taken towards the end of the cycle as the cown starts to collpase.
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

A drop of milk , at the point of impact. You can still see the drop , but the 'crown' is already forming.
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

A Balloon filled with water and pierced with a dart. The best way to freeze water droplets like this is to use a high speed flash and a trigger system. The camera shutter is opened and the flash and trigger used to make the exposure.
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

A balloon full of water shot with a Catapult (kettie)
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

A drop of milk frozen in mid splash. I used a laser trigger and delay unit that i built over the past two weeks. I found the circuit diagrams on the internet.
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Tuesday, May 10, 2005

The things you do on weekends

Everybody does something on the weekend. Some sleep , some work, some visit family, etc.

This weekend I kept myself busy by rigging a whole contraption in my garage. The idea was to photograph water filled balloons as they exploded when struck by a dart or a projectile (in this case a nut fired from a catapult).

As you can imagine , this a difficult thing to photograph. Timing is paramount.

Below is a few shots of what can be done with enough time and preparation. It took me all of saturday afternoon to rig the setup and the first photo was taken at about 7pm.

This weekend I will attempt it again with even better timing and bigger nuts! see if we can make a big splash.

When I succeed I will post again .

A Waterballoon bursts as a dart pierces it. Look at the burstline in the water- looks like a tennis ball - 2005
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

High speed flash freeze - 2005
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Monday, May 09, 2005

Fast action flash freeze - 2005
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Kiewiet double exposure -
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Saturday, May 07, 2005

2 Harvards in formation. Taken at the Stellenbosch Flying Club Air field. 2004.
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Kiewiet - Gourits river mouth - 2005
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Sunset on Kogelbay , near Somerset West 2004
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Christmas lights -Someset West 2004
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Solitude - Taken near Phillidelphia in the Western Cape
- C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Also Nice - Taken Apr 27 2005
C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Nice Shot - Taken 27 Apr 2005
C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Taken before the Fireworks Display - 27 Apr 2005
C Hanno Prinsloo 2005

Sunday, May 01, 2005


I have a Cat. And herein lies the first untruth. As any experienced person will know: a cat has you , not you the cat. Truth be told , I've had three and this is the forth one. I also have a wife and a son , but lets concentrate on the cat for now.

Any way.....

This cat came to me after my previous cat (jenna) got run over on the highway , close to us.
A friend , who had to find a new home for her kitty , phoned and asked if we will take Mishka(the cat). Had I seen her before I probably would have declined. Mishka is the ugliest cat i've ever seen. Black or brown with yellow spots and big eyes. the best description is to call her by her Afrikaans name "mengelmoes" or hotspotch in English.
So , I have a cat. Friendly and talkative , with the anoying habbit of sticking her cold nose into your ear when you sleep.
I have a cat. - everyone needs a cat. To keep you humble when you call it and you get a flat ignore.
I have a cat.

Friday, April 29, 2005

So this is it

So , this is it

like a million other people , i have created my own little soap box
will any one listen ?? only time will tell
will any one care ?? I ?
will my soap box make a difference at any one else out there ??
i can but hope....